Friday, February 23, 2007

snow boarding

Well here it is 12 am and I am still getting the boys stuff ready to go snow boarding.I am taking them in the morning and they are soooooooo excited. I took all of them to the movies today because they are all out of school. The boys talked me into seeing Epic movie. Brandon did not want to see that so Austin offered to wathch Bridge to Taribitha with him. Sean, Bryan,Zachary and i only got about half way through the movie before we WALKED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a filthy movie. Don not let you kids see it and don't see it your selves at all. After Austin and Brandon got out of the movie we all apologised to him for not taking his advice and seeing the Bridge to taribithia. Oh well we live and learn. He felt really proud for making a good choice.

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