Thursday, April 12, 2007


Well I cannot believe it but today my baby boy turns 9. Where does time go. Some days it goes by slowly and others very fast. I have been trying to plan a combined birthday party for both Bryan and Brandon. That has not been easy. We finally decided to invite four friends each and go roller skating. I hope it turn out fun for them. We are down to a little over 2 months until Jay comes home,Yea!!!!!!!!!!! I think that these last two months are going to be just as hard as the first two months when he left. The kids are tired of him being gone and ready for school to be over. I know that I look forward to school being over and all the testing done and over with. Oh well life is good and busy here so I will leave it at that.

1 comment:

Bringhurst Family said...

Looks like Brandon and Maya have the same Birthday.